Aku exsaited gila tulis entry ni just nk update pasal apa yg aku interbiu hari ni dengan gimme 4fingers.. Aku interbiu dgn diorang hari ni 29/11/2017 pukul 2.30pm dekat Meeting Room Evergreen Laurel Hotel..
Memang rushing gila laa aku g interbiu ni since time ni aku tgh bekerja so rushing la nk g lagi..
So ni aku cita dari mula aku masuk ke bilik meeting room tu lah eaa.. first skali aku masuk ada sorang malay ladies n sorang malay guy which is my interviewer. Nama dia En. Zulkarnain..
Masuk2 ja diorang tanya intebiu ke n aku jawab yaa..so diorang bawak aku masuk bilik nk interbiu tu n isi la borang bagai semua..after isi borang semua that guy panggil aku duk depan dia n aku pun p la kan..ehh dia ada resume aku lahh, mana dia amik?? ohh maybe kat jobstreet lah ni dia print siap2 kot..buat penat ja aku print untuk diorang..
soo...mai aku cita apa yg jadi and what ive been asked during this interview..
Soalan Pertama :
Simple jaa sbb dia suh aku tell him about myself..bla...blaa...blaaa aku jawab..
Soalan Kedua :
Tell him about my past experience, current and ur next planning ?
yg ni biasa ja and aku just cita pgalaman yg aku gain kat tempat2 keja aku.. n plg aku mcm duk pk nk jawab apa pasal next planning aku la... apa yg aku jawab i want to be a part of mgt level with a good leadership skill that i can use it for my career enhancement. jawab ja..yg penting confident..
Soalan berikutnya:
Why are u applying for this job and why gimme 4 fingers not others?
Jawapan aku dgn bi tunggang terbalik... Actually my first impression with this company is the quote of the company which is "happy staff make happy customers", so i am attract with that quote which i think this company are taking good care of their staff so that it will produce happy customers. Moreover, i am looking for a company that provided me a long term benefit and career advancement for myself which is i think Gimme 4fingers can give that to me.
then dia tanya aku,..where did u know about this company?
jawapan aku yg sejujurnya tapi aku jawab time ni mcm apa la aku nk jawab or susun ayat..tp mmg berterabur laahh.. aku jawab i know about this company before its been opening at Midvalley through instagram which is this is from Singapore.. masa ni aku mgarut apa tah yg aku kata i love chicken wing so much and do follow all ig that selling chicken wings..tapi mmg betul pun..aku xtipu tauu..
pastu next question dia tyaa pasal gaji aku skrg n benefit yg aku dpt dgn company aku keja skrg,,
apa aku jawab aku bgtau basic aku ja n aku xda elaun apa..tapi aku sayangggg sgt dgn company aku skrg ni..serius aku syg..cuma mgkin kadang tu buat i want to leave due to overload stress from the government.. and maybe aku just terpikir pasal benefit n career path aku..percaya lahh bahawasanya aku sgt gembira dgn pekerjaan aku skrg ni sbg catering officer..
Next question...dia tanya aku pasal what is the greatest achievement ?
so jawab ja la...bla...bla....blaa...blaaaa....
Next part ni la yg buat aku rasa mcm haha mencabar gila...sbb slma aku g interbiu xpernah aku ditanya n disoal mcm ni..sbb soalan dia mcm nk tricky n bg aku confuse..tp serius smpai aku tersenyum2 nk tgelak dkt interviewer aku tu..soalan dia, dia bg aku situation yg mana aku kena solve n bg jawapan dkt dia..
Soalan dia berbunyi :
U are responsible to cater a restaurant with 10 Fulltime workers with equal to RM10,000.
Ur sales target for lunch is RM 15,000 and for dinner is 50% of your lunch sales.
U will need part time workers to work with u that for 2 part time worker are paid equal to 1 Full time workers.
So how many numbers of part time workers that u need for?
masa ni dia bg ketas kosong kat aku....huaaaaa masa ni akuu mcm blurr sbb soalan ni tricky ke or dia nak cm na..memula aku kira mcm it should be 25 aku pk dlm hati...tapi xkan smpai 25 part time workers dia nak..so aku mcm bg average kat dia aku kata 5 sbb its possible nak ambik smpai terlalu byk part time workers,, tapi dia kata no sy xnak apa consideration, dia just nak how many numbers..
sooo aku bg tau laa 25 org part time needed...heee xtau betuii ke x...tapi dia kata good kat aku,,,
then..next question pula...
Now u have 10 Full time and 25 part time workers, give me the number for both full time and part time workers needed to be schedule for lunch and dinner.?
Ya ampunn...soalan diaa...jenuh aku nk mendengar dia bercakap nk menjawab pun...dalam seminit juga la aku kira2..then aku bg jawapan for lunch there is 7 Full time and 18 part time.. for dinner 3 full time and 7 par time..masa ni aku pk sbb nk bahagikan jumlah worker dgn 50% sales dr lunch tu...ntah betul ke x aku pn xtau la...
pastu dia tanya aku,
are u taking a consideration about well trained and unwell trained workers to work with when u said that numbers? and how they will worked together if the part time workers are not well trained..
aku cakap yes jaa...padahal masa tu aku main kira ja..ya laaa dh memula dia kata give me a number ja...dah apahal dia tanya mcm tu pla..dia nk psycho aku ke ap..then aku jawab lagi for me 1 full time workers can teach 2 part time workers..main hantam ja laaaa..
dia bagi kat aku situasi lagi...
U are the manager at ur outlet and your boss are introduced u to a new staff, suddenly ur current staff are calling u for a customer complaint for asking the refunds. So which are u need to entertain first, second and third?
So jawapan dia dh sah2 laa customer...aku jawab ja la customer first.. pastu dia tanya why...aduh why pulak dahh,,
Because customer is spending and without them we are nothing. So, we need to take good care of them.
So kedua new workers...why lagi ?? because we paid them for every hours, so we need to teach them about our production and we cannot let them not doing anything without knowing what to do.
pastu dia tanta kat aku why ur boss at third? so pity to ur boss.... haha...aku gelak ja... jawapan aku simple ja la aku kata i will explain to my boss and said sorry first to my boss and i know he will understand my situation..
Huaaa..pastu xhabis lagi...
dia bagi aku soalan kalau aku kena masak dekat dia apa yg aku nak masak?? *dalam hati aku pikir dia ni dh kenapa...nak suruh aku masak betul2 ke apa...dah la aku interview ni dkt hotel..suruh aku masak betul naya..haha then aku jawab mee udang..masa ni serius aku mcm cuak gila..bukan sbb nk kena masak, tapi kenapa dia tanya soaln mcm tu dkt aku...
serius sampai aku terkata im not sure why,,,,oh my jawapan yg xpatut terkeluar bila interview kot..then aku cepat2 cover because of im specialize with that food so that i can attract u to my food.. then dia ok ja...
dalam hati aku pasal la kat hang...aku dah penat menjawab segala persoalan n pertanyaan dari tadi,,
pastu dia pulak start bercerita kat aku pasal this company and the benefit they give to their employee..
mcm best jugak benefit dia..contoh dia:
1. Medical after confirm
2. Dental
3. Salary Increment
5. Closing incentive
Swub ni aku xverapa dpt tgkap dia short term kpd apa...tp based on apa yg dia explain, dia kata every 3month akan dpt bonus RM150..then next 3 month akan meningkat RM10 so kau akan dpt RM 160..so lagi 3 bulan kau akan dpt RM170 pulak sampai kau reach maximum limit RM 400..so SWUB ni antara strategi diorang untuk bagi employee stay lama dengan diorang,,means lagi lama kau kerja kau akan dpt byk la..
Untuk closing incentive pla diorang bagi sehari RM30 kalu haritu kau kerja untuk closing..kira mcm ni ramai la kan yg nak berebut kerja time closing..sbb ya la sapa yg nak kan keja time closing sbb balik lambat, kerja banyak..tapi bila dp bg RM30 sehari mcm wahh menarik..closing hari2 pun xpa...
Cuma xbagus nya pula dia kata sini xda OT untuk gaji yg basic RM2000 ke atas...kalu kau kerja lebih masa so that kau xkan dibayar..cuma tu ja laa un benefit dia....
so yang ni ja la yg aku ingat apa yg ditanya masa aku iv dgn Gimme 4Fingers ni.. dia akn bagi kat aku keputusan dalam 15december ni...
tapi aku xsure aku akan trima tawaran atau x sebab aku sayang keja aku skrg ni...or yg pasti sbb utama aku g interview ni sbb aku nk pengalaman interview...yess..aku sgt suka interview..mmg takut tapi tahh bg aku tu pengalaman untuk aku ajar diri aku bg jadi berani n improve aku punya keyakinan diri n communication skills aku especially dlm english..