Aermie yusoff

Aermie yusoff

Monday, February 11, 2019

Thinking of moving jobs? JUMP!!

I remember when I first left my job and the rollercoaster of emotions I felt before making that decision. On the one hand, I was pumped with the belief that I was doing the right thing and finally heading in the right direction in my life. On the other hand, there was this lingering element of self-doubt that taunted me as I broke the news to my partner, family, friends and colleagues. As a person who always attacks the day with positivity, I seemed happy – I was. So why was I leaving? Why was I making this big career change?

Millions of thoughts ran through my mind. More money? Better role? Career progression? But I am happy, right? One thing I’ve learned since then is that change, no matter how big or small, will always be surrounded by some form of doubt. Warning – do not listen to them.


The day I left the comfort of my old job is that day I decided to jump. I realised that I had lost that feeling you get when you walk through the glass doors of your building, not knowing how the day will unfold – the excitement and passion that I had when I first started. And I missed it. Dearly. While it’s now hard to articulate that feeling, I knew that I needed that sense of excitement in my life again.

Have you ever asked yourself the question “what is your dream job?”

For that reason, I would never ask that question to someone looking for their next career opportunity. Instead, I would ask “what do you look for in a company?” Personally, I have never been one to take orders well. Rather, I like to be at the forefront of everything. I believe the most important factor for an employee to truly love their job is for them to value their company, to feel a sense of pride representing their company outside of the office. To value the ethos and brand that their company projects.  Working every day and not necessarily loving every minute of the work is fine, so long as you believe in the company you work for and the people you work with.

As Steve Jobs once cleverly advised, "Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice….have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.” 

Follow your instinct! I can't tell you the amount of times people have asked me for advice when deep down they already know the answer. Essentially, all they are looking for is reassurance. Be brave, and follow your instinct -  it’s yours for a reason and everyone's journey is different.

Stand up and be the catalyst for your change because although you may have people who will push you along the way, only YOU can take the first step. Too many people in this world are comfortable. 

Don’t be one of them. Take the first step -  write it down on a piece of paper or speak it out loud. When said or done things incredibly find a way into existence. Crazy but true!
If you keep on doing the same thing time and time again, you will keep on achieving the same results. 

So, instead of complaining about how long and boring this day is going to be, surround yourself with positive thoughts and positive actions. Take that first step…


Thursday, January 31, 2019

Sometimes it takes a good fall to really know where you stand.

First thing first happy new year untuk semua.. Aku just mengharapkan permulaan 2019 ni dalam sebaik baik kehidupan diredhaiNya.. insyaAllah..

Sometimes it takes a good fall to really know where you stand.

As dah masuk new year ni aku berharap tahun ni adalah tahun yg memberi rezeki kepada aku dari segi kerjaya, kebahagiaan, ketenangan, dan kehidupan.

Kenapa 31 Januari 2019 baru aku updated blog aku ni?? Cuz im so stress now.. ntah la semakin hari semakin buatt aku fade up.. buat aku tertekan... stress dgn manusia yang xpernah nak mengaku kesilapan and just blame people... semua yg dibuat semua ada yang xkena.. Entahla just redha ja.. apa yg penting There's no room for arrogance in your heart. Don’t ever feel the need to look down on someone with ur status or power. Remember the Almighty can change your fortune in the blink of an eye.

Sungguh tekanan yg  datang ni kalau xkuat mmg kau xkan bertahan. Tekanan yg datang dari pelbagai sudut negatif yg akan bg kau jatuh, menangis n stop there. Sungguh sebenarnya aku xtahu lama mana kau akan bertahan..  Tekanan yg buatkan otak kau dh xboleh berfikir n jadi marah.. Lost tempered..

Hanya kawan2 yg membuatkan kau kuat..and bertahan...  i wish that all of us are strong enough untuk hadap another days coming..  

Monday, November 19, 2018

Day 5 - 8 di Seoul

Bangun pagi nk pergi berjalan...tinggi sungguh tangga diorang,,
 Untuk hari ke 5 kitorang byk aktiviti melawat ke tempat2 yang menarik.. n byk kitorang guna subway ja aku pn dh mmg a bit boleh survive nak faham rail dia..tapi nk komunikasi dgn diorang mmg x lah.. Failed!!!

So aku malas nk cita byk.. aku just letak gambar ja lah..

Dekat Gwanjang Market

Ni tempat aku bli seaweed...jgn beli kat sini wehh..mahal gila..tapi aku dh terbeli..btw that uncle bg kitorang rasa bnda ni..sedap..mcm yakult...

Kawan2 aku mai nk makan kat sini..tapi aku xmkn pun sbb aku xleh telan..

Femess katanya sampai ada Running man bt kat sini..

Grape flavour..haha xsedap sgt...

Gyeongbokgung Palace

Cantik okayy baju2 diorang

Yeahh pertukaran shift pengawal istana..bukan senang nk dpt tgk..ada time dia,,

Kengkawan yg travel skali dgn aku..just berempat..


Still dkt kawasan istanan ni..cantikknyaa vieww diaa.. Ni masa Day 5..

Penat jalan kitorang terus ke Myeongdong.. nak cari Kampungku Restaurant.. Ni ha Menu dia..

Semua ni sesorang makan okayy..bukan senang nk dpt makanan Halal..

Ni day 6... dkt Hwaseong Fortress.. xbest sgt dkt sini..btw masa smpai dpt la tgk dp buat persembahan,,

SInggah farmasi nk beli ubat..tapi dia ni xreti as a pharmacist...xkan xtau english??

Be carefull guys...that one hati2..aku terus buang..beli memula tgk dekat dalam ada ham destination..Hwaseong Hangung..kitorang berjalan jaa..seriuss jauhh dari Hwaseong Fortress ke sini..dalam 5-6 Km juga lah..

Korean Folk Village...entrance dia RM 50..beli siap2..masa kitorang smpai ni dah ptg..dalam pukul 3 mcm tu..

antara yg ada dalam Korean folk Village ni..tempat yg menarik since dia about historical village..

Ahjumma ni marah aku okay sbb aku pggil dia ahjumma..kena panggil unni kot baru serious okayy..

My wish..before nak balik..

hahah maggi yg aku beli sbb xtahan sgt..lapar nak mati...susah sgt dapat maakanan halal..bawa lah makanan dari malaysia..

sebungkus maggi berharga 1000won bersamaan RM3.80...mahal gilaa..haha aku xhbs2 gelak dgn ira sbb nk bli bnda ni..lapar pnya pasal..

Day 7 kitorang pergi ke Namsan Tower..Ni tiket Naik ke Namsan Tower..Beli online Rm20..murah lagi la..btw xda apa pun naik atas tu..

indahnyaaaa musim luruh diorang dekat sini

Nandaemun Market.. belilah kesemua barang yg nk bawa balik Malaysia dekat sini..murah antara semua tempat...